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Corporate Frames.

Apart from actuating unique and modern visual effects on residential spaces, elegantly finished picture frames can be a great addition to corporate offices.
Whether you run a small business with an extended office or a large corporate space, consider using framed décor to make your space a happier place to work in. Properly done wall frames can make the difference between an amateurish looking office to a professional one!
At FrameEasy, we can partner with your company to elevate its office spaces, make designer frames for displaying corporate accolades, logo, motto, awards, documents, licences, gallery Walls for staff photography –[ we promise to bring legitimacy and professionalism to your corporate space.]
Your company can order our custom made frames to showcase its brand aspirations, imagery, values, culture or art.

With a wide range of frames, we can collaborate to construct framed works that are tailored to your specific corporate settings. This endeavor can then, assist you to;
a) Refine and legitimise your corporate image & space for future communications.
b) Preserve important document and memorabilia to avoid damage or destruction.
c) Display accolades, achievements, qualifications, status, corporate identity or logos, for daily validation by target clients or to reinforce legitimacy.
d) Set a professional tone for your offices.
e) Inspire a creative problem solving environment.
f) Impress clients and competitors.
g) Reinforce your corporate values.

Whatever the type of office wall décor you are looking for, we can assure you that we have one that is appropriate for your space, brand identity and budget. Our team can also offer hanging services for multiple projects of; floated frames, plain and matted frames for:
 Corporate offices
 Museums
 Institutions
 County governments
 NGOs etc
 Law firms etc

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